Launch environments

Launch environment is next method of providing data to the application next to the launch arguments. Custom launch environment can be created by implementing LaunchOption protocol, on new or existing type.

struct CustomOption: LaunchOption {
    var launchEnvironments: [String: String]? {
        return ["CustomVariable": "1"]

They can be passed to the TestLauncher to configure the application before launch. Use TestLauncher in the setUp() method to configure application settings and launch the application:

let app = XCUIApplication()
TestLauncher(options: [

For common cases, AutoMate provides helper protocols.

XCUIApplication requires launch environment as dictionary: [String: String]. The LaunchEnvironmentValue provides definition and default implementation for value types, for example BooleanLaunchEnvironmentValue.

Above protocols support a definition of new launch environments by providing default implementations. For example, launch environment with key and value could be implemented like this:

public struct SimpleLaunchEnvironment: LaunchEnvironmentWithSingleValue {

    public typealias Value = String
    public let key = "LAUNCH_KEY"
    public var value: String

let simple = SimpleLaunchEnvironment(value: "LaunchValue")

LaunchEnvironmentWithMultipleValues can be implemented like:

public struct ArrayLaunchEnvironment: LaunchEnvironmentWithMultipleValues {

    public typealias Value = String
    public let valuesCollection: [String]

    public init(valuesCollection: [Value]) {
        self.valuesCollection = valuesCollection

let array = ["Value1", "Value2"] as ArrayLaunchEnvironment

In addition, types LaunchEnvironment and LaunchEnvironments can be used directly instead of creating custom types:

let launchEnvironmentOption = LaunchEnvironment(key: "MADE_WITH_LOVE_BY", value: "PGS")
let launchEnvironmentDictionary: LaunchEnvironments = ["CORPORATION_KEY": "PGS", "PROJECT_KEY": "AutoMate"]


All launch environments are available in the application from ProcessInfo.

let madeWithLove = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["MADE_WITH_LOVE_BY"]
let corporationKey = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["CORPORATION_KEY"]
let projectKey = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["PROJECT_KEY"]